SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the sum of one thousand dollars be
and the same is hereby annually appropriated to the
Baltimore Eye and Ear Institute of Baltimore city;
and that the further sum of one thousand dollars be
and is hereby appropriated to the Maryland Eye and
Ear Institute ; and that the said sums shall be paid
by the Treasurer of the State of Mary land, upon the
warrant of the Comptroller of the State of Maryland,
unto the surgeon in charge of the said Baltimore
Eye and Ear Institute of Baltimore city, and to the
surgeon in charge of the said Maryland Eye and
Ear Institute, upon the production by them of a
certificate from the President of the said Baltimore
Eye and Ear Institute of Baltimore city, and the
President of the said Maryland Eye and Ear Insti-
tute, that they are prepared to receive and treat at
Receive and
treat without
all times during the existence of this act, without
any charge whatsoever, at least six patients each at a
time from the counties of the State of Maryland in
their respective Institutions; and that they have
each transmitted to the board of county commis-
sioners of the different counties, and the Board of
City Commissioners of the City of Baltimore, circu-
lars setting forth the arrangements they have made
to meet the provisions of this law, and inviting these
boards to send forward the blind and deaf of their
counties, and the City of Baltimore, to receive the
advantages of board, care and surgical treatment
provided for them ; provided, that the appropria-
tions made by this act shall be for two years, and no
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person suffer-
ing from any disease of the eye or ear, which shall
Produce cer-
require surgical treatment in a special institution,
upon producing to the surgeon in charge of the said
Baltimore Eye and Ear Institute of Baltimore city,
or of the said Maryland Eye and Ear Institute, a cer-
tificate from the county commissioner's of the county
in which he or she may reside, that said applicant is
without the means to procure proper surgical treat-
ment, shall be entitled to be received into the In-
firmary of the said Baltimore Eye and Ear Institute
of Baltimore city, or of the said Maryland Eye and
Ear Institute, and treated therein free of any charge