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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3432   View pdf image (33K)
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WHEREAS, by the act of eighteen hundred and


twelve, chapter one hundred and fifty-eight, and


eighteen hundred and twenty-one, chapter one hun-


dred and thirty, the title to said property vested in


certain trustees, of whom some belonging to the


meeting then worshipping in the meeting-house on


said property, and the others belonging to the


meeting worshiping in the western part of the city,


both meetings constituting now the monthly meet-


ing of the said Society of Friends in Baltimore city,


and —


WHEREAS, by the act of eighteen hundred and


fifty-two, chapter two hundred and sixty-eight, the


trustees therein named, appointed by the respective


meetings, were authorize to sell or lease the part or


portion of said property, and appropriate a portion of


the proceeds to enclosing that part of said lot which


had been used as a burial-ground, and with the other


to purchase a burial-ground out of the limits of the


city, both of the objects contemplated by said act of


Assembly having been accomplished, and —


WHEREAS, since the purchase of the burial-ground


out of the limits of the city, there has been but few


interments, and none of late years, within the burial-


ground on said property, and no probability of its


ever again being used as a place of interment for the


dead, and —


WHEREAS, both of said meetings, the one wor-


shiping in the meeting-house on said property, and


the other worshiping in the meeting-house on Lom-


bard street, comprising the monthly meeting of said


Society of Friends, being desirous of disposing of a


portion of said property not covered by the meeting-


house, for the purpose that out of the proceeds of


sale or lease, of giving education to the children of


parents, one or both of whom may be members of


the Society of Friends, and


WHEREAS, John C. Turner, William Riley, M. D.,


John Brown, Joseph Mathews, havingbeen appointed
by their respective meetings trustees, the legal title


to said property is vested in said trustees, therefore —



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 3432   View pdf image (33K)
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