nary session, eighteen hundred and seventy-two,
chapter fifty-four, entitled an act to exempt all that
portion of the waters of the Chesapeake Bay lying
Repealed and
northward of a certain line therein described, from
the operation and effects of sections one and three,
of article ninety-eight, of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws, title "Wild-Fowl," and to enact other
sections, to be in force and operation in, on and over
said waters, be and the same is hereby repealed,
amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows :
16. John Mahan and Henry J. Poplar, of Harford
county, and Benjamin Die, of Cecil county, and their
successors, are hereby appointed a Board of Special
Board of
Police, with power and authority to appoint as many
Special Police.
deputies from among those who take out a license
under the provisions of this act, as in their judgment
maybe necessary to enforce the provisions of this act,
with power to arrest without warrant all persons who
may be detected by them in violating any of its pro-
visions, and to carry such person or persons before a
justice of the peace, to be dealt with according to the
provisions of this act; and the said special police
shall be paid for their services a reasonable sum, to
be fixed by the Judges of the Circuit Court of the
county in which such services are rendered, out of
the moneys, and no other, received by the Clerks of
the Circuit Courts of Harford and Cecil counties for
licenses issued by them for the privilege of shooting
wild-fowl; and in case there should be a surplus re-
maining after paying said police force, such surplus
shall be paid over, at the expiration of each gunning
season, to the school commissioners of Harford and
Cecil counties respectively, to be applied to school
purposes ; provided, that the term of office of the
said John Mahan and Henry J. Poplar, of Harford
county, and Benjamin Die, of Cecil county, shall
expire on the-first day of May, in the year eighteen
hundred and seventy-four, and that thereafter the
term of office of the members of said Board of
Term of service
Special Police shall be for two years, and all vacan-
cies that may occur from the expiration of term, or
by removal from Harford or Cecil counties, or death,
or conviction of malfeasance in , office, or from any
other cause, in the said Board of Special Police, shall
be filled by the County Commissioners of the county