Repealed and
eighteen, of an act entitled an act to incorporate the
Merchants Mutual Insurance Company of Baltimore,
be and the same are hereby repealed, and severally
re-enacted to read as follows :
7. For the well ordering of the affairs of said cor-
poration, there shall be twenty-five Directors, who
shall be stockholders of said corporation, and resi-
dents of the State of Maryland.
8. The said twenty-five Directors shall be chosen
by ballot, annually, on the second Monday in April,
Choose direc-
for the term of one year, or until their successors
shall be elected; due notice of said election having
been given by advertisement in two daily papers
published in Baltimore, one week previous thereto.
At their first meeting after each election, they shall
choose a President; and should it at any time hap-
pen that an election of Directors shall not be made
on the day when pursuant to this act it ought to have
been made, the corporation shall not for that cause
be deemed to be dissolved; but it shall be lawful
upon any other day within twenty days thereafter to
make an election of Directors, in such manner as is
hereinbefore directed; the Board of Directors shall
have power to fill any vacancies occurring in their
own body during the period for which they are
11. It shall be the duty of the Directors to make
by-laws for the proper regulation of the affairs of the
corporation, one of which shall declare what number
Duty of the
of Directors, though loss than a majority of the
whole, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
of business; they shall hold meetings from time to
time at their discretion, or when notified thereto by
order of the President ; they shall, from time to .
time, but not less than once in each six months,
make examination of the state of the company's
affairs, and an inspection of the accounts and funds
of the company.
18. No member of the corporation shall be liable
for any. losses or expenses of the company, beyond
the premiums paid or the shares of the stock held by
him : and that for any debt due to the company by
any holder of the stock of the company, the com-