any such trout in his or her possession, exc'ept during
the months of April, May, June, July, and the first
fifteen days in the mouth of August, under a penalty
of five dollars for each trout so caught or had in his
or her possession ; but this section shall not prevent
any person or corporation from catching trout in any
manner or at any time, in waters owned by them,
or upon their premises to stock other waters.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall not be law-
Not be lawful
ful for any person within the State of Maryland to
take or catch any brook trout at any time, in any of
the waters of the State, by means of any fish basket,
seine or seines, net or nets, trap or traps, under a
penalty of five dollars for each and every fish so
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That no person shall place
in any fresh water stream, lake or pond, without the
Not to place
consent of the owner, or in the waters and estuaries
with the rivers debouching into them, any lime or
other deleterious substance, with the intent thereby
to poison or catch fish, under a penalty of one hun-
dred dollars.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That whenever any per-
son who owns, controls, or erects an artificial pond
upon his own land, or land of which he is in legal pos-
session, and shall put therein any fish or the eggs or
spawn offish, for the purpose of breeding and culti-
vating fish, and shall give notice thereof, either in
one or more newspapers of the county, or by
written or printed hand bills put up in public
places near said pond, any person who shall thereafter
enter upon such premises for the purpose of fishing,
or shall catch in said pond or ponds and take there-
from any fish, shall be guilty of a trespass, and, in
addition thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of five
dollars for the first fish, ten dollars for the second,
and twenty dollars for the third and each subsequent
offence ; provided that this act shall not prevent the
owner of such pond or ponds, or any one by his au-
thority, from catching or taking fish therefrom.
SEC. 5. And be itenacted, That any person or company
engaged in the increase of brook trout by artificial
process (known as fish culture) may take from his or
May take.
their pond or ponds in any way, and cause to be