parading and indecent exhibition of any stud have,
through the streets; to prevent the passage through
any part of said town, of any locomotive at a
greater rate of speed than six miles per hour;
and to pass all other ordinances and by-laws ne-
cessary to give effect and operation to the powers
vested in said corporation; und to preserve order
Preserve orders
and secure property and persons trom violence,
danger or destruction, and may impose tines,
penalties or forfeitures for the breach thereof; but
uo ordinance of said corporation shall impose a tine,
penalty or forfeiture for any offence of more than
ten dollars; and they may provide by ordinance for
the immediate arrest without warrant of any person
violating any town ordinance, by riotous and disor-
derly conduct, or driving or riding through the
streets when, in the judgment of the' President, or
any two of said Commissioners, the delay necessary
to the issuing of a warrant would be dangerous to
the peace and quiet of the town, or" the lives, limbs
and property of the citizens; and when it shall ap-
Arrest without
pear that the offender is intoxicated, so as to render
it unsafe to permit him to drive through the streets,
shall provide for the removal of the horse and vehicle
without the limits of the town, or for the deposit
thereof in some place of safety until the offender
shall be sober; provided, that nothing herein con-
tained shall authorize the passage of any by-law or
ordinance in conflict with the Constitution and laws
of this State.
Levy and co-
SEC. 152. They shall have power to levy and col-
lect taxes
lect taxes in said town, not exceeding in any one
year thirty cents in the one hundred dollars, on the
assessable property of said town; and shall also, for
the purpose of grading and paving the streets of said
town, have power to levy such other taxes upon the
property fronting on the street, or portion thereof
to be paved, as will pay the cost of grading and
paving the same.
Appoint an
SEC. 153. They shall once in every three years, or
oftener if they think proper, appoint an assessor,
who shall, under oath, value and assess the property.
in said town, in the same manner and with like au-
thority as county assessors, proceed to assess in the
county; but in assessing any of the land within the