AN ACT to repeal section forty, of article eleven,
of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled " Fred-
erick county, " as amended by the act of eighteen
hundred and sixty-eight, chapter seven, and to re-
enact the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Se it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section forty, article eleven of the
Repealed and
Code of Public Local Laws, entitled " Frederick
county," as amended by the act of eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-eight, chapter seven, be and the same
is hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to read as
follows :
SEC. 40. The Circuit Court for Frederick county
shall hold four terms for both common law and
Terms of the
circuit court
equity proceedings, commencing respectively on the
third Monday of February, on the second Monday in
May, on the third Monday of September, and on the
second Monday in December, in each and every year;
to which terms in February and September, both
grand and petit jurors shall be summoned, and to
which December term petit jurors only shall be
summoned, and to which May term, no jurors shall
Trial terms.
be summoned ; the trial terms of said court, for the
cases depending therein upon issues of fact to be
tried by a jury, shall be the term to which jurors shall
be summoned next succeeding the terms to which the
original process may be returnable, and all original
and final process, both at law and in equity, shall be
returnable to the term next succeeding the date of
the issue thereof.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the drawing
Drawing Jurors
of jurors for the jury terms aforesaid, shall be in all
respects as now prescribed by law, except that for the
December term aforesaid, and not leas than fifteen
days before the same, there shall be drawn from the
names remaining in the box from which the jury for
the proceeding September term is drawn, twenty-
five names, which shall constitute the petit jurors for
said December term, subject to the same provisions
and regulations, applicable to the correction and
completion of the jurors drawn for the other jury
terms aforesaid.