subscriptions may. be received to the capital stock of
the Calvert Bank of Baltimore city, hereby incorpo-
rated ; and they or a majority of them shall cause
books to be opened at such times in the city of Bal-
timore, and upon such notice as they or a majority
of them shall direct, for the purpose of receiving sub-
scriptions to the capital stock of said bank.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
said bank shall be one hundred thousand dollars,
divided into ten thousand shares of ten dollars each,
Capital stock
and that as soon as five thousand shares of said stock
shall be subscribed for, and twenty-five thousand dol-
lars thereon actually paid in, the owners of said shares
their successors and assigns, be and they are hereby
created, made, and declared a corporation by the
name and style of the Calvert Bank of Baltimore
city ; and by that name may make contracts, sue and
be sued, complain and defend, in any court of law
or equity or in any place whatsoever: and to make
and use a common seal, and the same to break, alter
and renew at pleasure; and to make and enforce any
by-laws and regulations not being contrary to law or
the provisions of this act, for the election of direc-
tors, the management of its property, the regulation
of its affairs, and for the transfer of its stock ; by dis-
counting notes, bills, and other evidence of debt ; by
receiving deposits ; by buying and selling gold and
silver, bullion, foreign coin and bills of exchange:
by loaning money on real and persopal security, in
the manner specified herein, for the purposes author-
ized by this act; and by exercising such incidental
powers as shall be uecessary to carry on such busi-
ness ; to choose one of their number as president, and
to appoint a cashier and such other officers and agents
as their business may require; and to remove such
president, cashier, officers and agents at pleasure and
appoint others in their place, and the usual business
of said bank shall be transacted at their office located
in the city of Baltimore.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the President and
directors may employ and dispose of the funds,
money, and credits of the said bank, as they or a
majority of them may deem expedient, subject to the
limitations and restrictions herein mentioned.