AN ACT to establish a State Board of Health.
Appoint State
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Board of Health
Maryland, That the Governor, by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate, shall appoint five physi-
cians, of whom one shall always be a resident of one
of the counties of the western, and one of the eastern
shore, who shall constitute the State Board of Health;
the physicians so appointed shall hold their office for
two years, and until their successors are appointed,
and all vacancies in the board shall be tilled by the
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the State Board of
Health shall take cognizance of the interests of health
and life among the people generally; they shall make
sanitary investigations and inquiries respecting the
causes of diseases, especially of epidemics, the sources
of mortality and the effects of localities, employments,
conditions, and circumstances on the public health,
and they shall gather such information in respect to
these matters as they may deem proper; they shall
devise some scheme whereby medical and vital sta-
tistics of sanitary value may be obtained, and act as
an advisory board to the State in all hygienic and
medical matters ; they shall make special inspections
of public hospitals, prisons, asylums, and other insti-
tutions, when directed by the Governor or the Leg-
islature, and shall at each regular session of the Legis-
lature submit a full report of their acts, in vestigations,.
and discoveries with such suggestions as they may
deem proper.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the State Board of
Health shall meet at least once in every three months,
and as much oftener as they may deem proper ; their
first meeting shall be held within two weeks after
their appointment shall have been made, and three
members shall always constitute a quorum for busi-
ness ; they shall elect from their own number a Pre-
sident and a permanent Secretary, the latter of whom.
shall be the executive officer of the board ; no mem-
ber of the board except the secretary shall receive
any compensation, but the actual travelling expenses