manner as to the said synod shall seem proper ; but
the same person may not be re-elected until after he
shall have ceased to be a member of the said board
or corporation, for at least one year, provided, however,
that the aforesaid Trustees, namely Lewis H. Steiner,
Louis Markell, William Heiser, Jacob O. Miller, and
Samuel N. Callender shall continue in office as
follows: one of them until the first day of January
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and seventy-five ; one until the first day of January
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six; one until
Term of service
the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred
und seventy-seven ; one until the first day of Jan-
uary one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight ;
and one until the first day of January, one thousand
eight hundred and seventy-nine; these different
terms of office to be distributed by lot or otherwise
by the said corporation, among themselves at their
first meeting ; and further, if the place of any mem-
ber of the said corporation be made vacant by death,
resignation or otherwise, it shall be the duty of the
remaining members of the said corporation, at the
first meeting held at which such vacancy shall become
known, to elect and appoint a person who is a mem-
ber of the Reformed Church in the United States,
to the office of trustee, or member of said corpo-
ration, who shall however hold office only for the
unexpired term of the member creating such vacancy;
and the person thus elected by the said corporation.
shall not be re-eligible by the synod aforesaid, until
after he has ceased to be a trustee for the period of
Not eligible.
at least one year; and further, if the synod aforesaid
fail during any one year to change one-fifth of the
members of this board or corporation, then the va-
cancy occurring on the first day of January, according
to the provisions and restrictions of this act, shall be
filled by the said corporation, and the person thus
elected and appointed, shall be a member of the said
corporation for the term of five years.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the corporation
Power to dis-
pose of
aforesaid shall have power and authority to manage
and dispose of all moneys, goods, chattels, lands,
tenements and hereditaments, and other estate what-
soever committed to their care and trust, by the said
Synod of the Potomac of the Reformed Church in
the United States; but in cases where special in-