may have been obtained, to the first day of June next
succeeding; provided, that such license shall not au-
thorize the use of said canoe or boat, in taking or
catching oysters in any creek, cove, river, inlet, bay,
or sound, within the limits of any county other than
that wherein the license shall have been granted, and
that the boundaries of counties bordering on navi-
gable waters shall be strictly construed, so as not to
permit the residents of either county to take or catch
oysters beyond the middle of the dividing channel
provided, that nothing in this section shall be so con-
strued as to prevent the citizens of Calvert and St.
Mary's counties from using the waters of the Patux-
ent River in common, or the citizens of Queen Anne
and Kent from using the waters of the Chester River
in common, or the citizens of Dorchester and Wico-
mico from using the waters of the Nanticoke in com-
mon, or the citizens of Queen Anne and Talbot from
using the waters of Wye River and the mouth thereof
in common.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That each and every li-
License to state
cense to take or catch oysters, for sale, with rakes or
tongs, shall state the name and residence of the per-
son to whom the same is to be granted, the number
together with the length, to be obtained by top or
over all measurement of the canoe or boat licensed,
the county in which the same is to be used, and the
period at which said license will expire, and every
applicant for such license shall pay to the clerk of
the court, where such license may be granted, and
before the issuing and delivery of the same, accord-
Fee for
ing to the following rates, viz : for any boat measur-
ing in length twenty feet or less, the sum of two dollars,
measuring from twenty to twenty-five feet, the sum
of three dollars, measuring from twenty-five to thirty
feet the sum of four dollars, and all over thirty feet,
including sloops under Custom-House tonnage, the
sum of tive dollars each; and all oysters taken with
rakes or tongs shall be culled upon the natural beds
where they are taken; the amount received from
tonging license to be paid by the clerk to the school
commissioners for the public schools of the respective
counties where such license is issued ; provided the
sum received from white tongers shall go to white
schools, and the sum from colored tongers to the
colored schools.