Time in force.
this State; which license shall hold good for one
year, but shall only authorize the catching of oysters
between the first of October and the first of May ;
but it shall be lawful for the owner of any such boat
licensed, whenever said owner shall sell and convey
by bill of sale for a bona-fide consideration, said boat
unto any person who has been a resident of the State
of Maryland for at least one year, to transfer the said
license to said vendee with said boat ; which license
when transferred, shall entitle said vendee with said
boat to the same privileges for catching oysters in
the waters of this State that the original vendor or
assignor had before said assignment; provided, the
said vendee and assignee shall appear before the
Comptroller of the Treasury and make oath before
him to all the facts, matters, things and prerequisites
required of said original vendor or assignor, before
taking out such license, upon which said license said
Comptroller shall certify the fact of said vendee or
assignee having taken said oath, and for which, said
assignee or vendee shall pay the sum of five dollars,
to be paid to the State of Maryland.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That the owner of such boat
Make oath.
shall make oath before the Comptroller or his clerk,
that he is the bona tide owner of such boat to be
described in the license; that he has been a resident
of the State for the time before mentioned; that
there is no lien on said boat held by a non-resident ;
that the said boat is not held with an intention to
violate the provisions of this law; such applicant
shall produce before the Comptroller, at the time of
such application, the Custom-House enrollment or
license of such boat, and if such boat is under Custom-
House tonnage, the owner shall swear as to her ton-
nage ; the master of such boat shall make oath before
the Comptroller or his clerk, that he has been a
resident of the State of Maryland for twelve months
next preceding the time of taking such oath.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That before granting such
license, the Comptroller shall receive for it, from the
applicant, at the rate of three dollars per ton, for
every ton the boat may measure ; the license shall
be exhibited whenever called for by any officer of
the State of Maryland.