SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That said bonds shall be
issued payable twenty years from the date thereof,
and redeemable at any time after the expiration of
five years after date, at the pleasure of said County
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the said
Levy tax to
County Commissioners shall in each and every year
pay interest
levy upon the assessable property in Frederick county,
such sum of money as may be necessary to pay the
interest on the outstanding bonds, by them issued
under the provisions of this act, as the same shall fall
due, and also such further and additional sum as may
be required to gradually retire and redeem such
bonds, until they shall all have been redeemed.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the money
raised by the issue and sale of bonds, under the pro-
Applied exciv-
visions of this act, shall be kept and designated as
the "jail fund," and shall be applied exclusively to
the cost of the erection of the said new jail and work-
house and the purchase of the grounds therefor ; and
the said tax, authorized by this act, shall be collected
as all other taxes are collected in said county.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That should the
said County Commissioners determine to erect said
buildings at any other or different place, than upon
the lot now occupied by the present jail of said
county, and the said County Commissioners and the
owner or owners of said ground or grounds, desired
for the erection of such buildings, should not be able
to agree upon the price of such real estate, or in case
Not agree
the owner or owners of the same, or any of them be
feme covert, infant or non compos mentis, the President
of said Board of County Commissioners, shall make
application to any justice of the peace of the State of
Maryland, in and for Frederick county, who shall
thereupon issue a summons under his hand and seal,
Summon jury
to the Sheriff of Frederick county, requiring him to
summon twenty persons, qualified to act as jurors,
not interested in the property to be valued, to meet
at or near the property to be valued, on a day named
in said summons, not less than ten nor more than
twenty days after the issuing of the same ; and if at
the time and place named, in said summons, any of
the said jurors summoned do not attend, the Sheriff