operations thenceforth, it shall not be lawful for the
corporation to resume the exercise of its banking
powers and franchises, but the same shall be closed,
and after the payment of its debts and liabilities, the
remaining assets and property of the corporation
shall be divided among the stockholders or their
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That any and all acts
or parts of acts, or acts inconsistent with the pro-
visions of this act, be, and are hereby repealed so
far as they apply to the " German Bank of Balti-
more," named in this act of incorporation.
SEC. 15 And be it enacted, That the General As-
sembly reserves to itself the right to alter or amend
this act of incorporation at pleasure.
Approved, March 27th, 1874.
AN ACT to incorporate Washington Grove Camp-
Meeting Association of the District of Columbia
and Maryland.
WHEREAS, certain members and laymen of the
Methodist Episcopal Church in the District of
Columbia and in Maryland, have associated them-
selves together for the purpose of forming a camp-
meeting and excursion association, and have applied
to the Legislature of Maryland for an act of incorpo-
ration, the better to enable them to accomplish their
purpose, therefore —
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Floderada Howard, William R.
Woodward, John T. Mitchell, Benjamin H. Stine-
metz, Thomas Sommerville, John W. Wade, Matthew
G. Emery, Alexander Ashley, Richard H. Willett,
Walter M. Talbot, Israel G. Warfield, Edward F.