Give bond
K. The Cashier, before entering upon the duties
of his 'office, shall he required to give bond with two
or more securities to the satisfaction of the Presi-
dent and Directors, in a sum of not less than fifty-
thousand dollars, with a condition for the faithful
discharge of his duties.
L. The lands, tenements and hereditaments, which
Lands tene-
ments, &c
it shall be lawful for this corporation to hold, shall
be such as were hereinbefore set forth in section
five of this act, and such as shall be requisite for its
accommodation in relation to the transaction of its
business, or such as shall have been bona fide mort-
gaged or conveyed to it by way of security, or in
the satisfaction of debts contracted in the course of
its dealings, or purchased at sales upon judgments,
which shall have been obtained for such debts or at
the foreclosure of mortgages.
M. That all bills or notes which may be issued by
Bills and notes
order of the corporation, signed by the President
or counter-signed by the Cashier thereof, promising
the payment of money to any person or persons, his,
her or their orders, or bearer, though not under the
seal of the corporation, shall be binding and obli-
gatory upon the same, in the like manner and with
like force and effect as upon any private person or
persons, if issued by him or them in his, her or their
private or natural capacity or capacities, and shall
be assignable and negotiable in like manner as if
they were so issued by such private person or per-
sons, that is to say, those which shall be payable to
any person or persons, his, her or their orders, shall
be assignable by endorsement, in like manner and
with the like effect as foreign bills of exchange now
are, and those which are payable to bearer, shall be
negotiable or assignable by delivery only ; provided,
that nothing herein contained, shall authorize or
permit the President or Cashier to sign, issue or
deliver in blank, any note, bill or certificate in the
name of this corporation.
Capital stock
N. That the shares of the capital stock of the cor-
poration shall be transferable on the books of the
corporation only according to such rules as shall be
established by the President and Directors, but all
debts actually due and payable to the corporation by