AN ACT to provide for additional compensation to
Charles E. Hayward and Sewell T. Wilbourne, of
Dorchester county, and to John W. Crisfield, of
Somerset county, for professional services.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Authorized to
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Talbot
levy and pay
C. E. Hayward.
county, be and they are hereby authorized to levy
and pay the sum of two hundred dollars to Charles
E. Hayward, State's Attorney for Dorchester county,
and the further sum of two hundred dollars to Sew-
S. T.Wllbourne
ell T. Wilbourne, of Dorchester county, appointed
by the court as assistant counsel for the State, as
additional compensation for professional services ren-
dered in the case of the State against John R. Plater,
removed from Talbot to Dorchester county for trial.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the County Com-
To levy and pay
C. E Hayward
missioners of Dorchester county be, and they are
hereby, authorized to levy and pay the sum of one
hundred dollars to Charles E. Hayward, State's Attor-
ney for said county, and the further sum of one
hundred dollars to John W. Crisfield of Somerset
J.W Crisfield
county, appointed by the court as assistant counsel
for the State ; as additional compensation for pro-
fessional services rendered in the case of the State
against William F. McCotter, tried in Dorchester
In force.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved, March 27, 1874.