become vacant; a quorum of the stockholders may
:it any meeting, called for the purpose, after twenty
days notice, dissolve said corporation, and take meas-
ures for the sale of their property, and general
winding up and settlement of the concern having due
regard to the payment of their debts, in the order
of their priority, as provided by law; the President
und Directors may locate the said town hall at any
point within the limits of the Town of Mechanics-
town, as may appear best in their judgment.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this law may be
altered or repealed by the General Assembly at will,
but the stockholders may agree to dissolve the cor-
poration, sell their property, and settle up the busi-
ness of the concern ; in case they do not assent to
any proposed alteration in their charter, and in case
of the repeal of the charter, they shall also have the
right to settle up the affairs of the corporation in the
mode herein before provided.
In force
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved, March 16th, 1874.
AN ACT to provide for the re-division of Allegany
county into election districts.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of
Appoint com-
Maryland, That the Commissioners of Allegany
county, are hereby authorized and empowered to
appoint three discreet men, residents of said county
as Commissioners, to lay out and divide said county
into new election districts.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That said Com-
Lay out elec-
tion districts
missioners shall as expeditiously as possible, proceed
to lay out said county into thirteen election districts,
the election polls whereof shall be held respectively
as follows, viz : three in Cumberland, two in Frost-