disadvantages arising from the said railroad,
they shall estimate and determine whether any,
and if any, what amount of damages has been,
or may be sustained by the said owner or owners
respectively, and make a report thereof, accord-
Return inqui-
ingly, and the said jury shall reduce their inquisi-
tion to writing, and shall sign and seal the same,
and it shall then be returned by the said sheriff to
the Clerk of the Circuit Court of his county, and by
such clerk tiled in his court, and shall be confirmed
by said court at its next session thereafter, if no suf-
ficient cause to the contrary thereof be shown, and
when confirmed shall be recorded, by said clerk, in
the records of his office, but if set aside, the said
Another inqui-
court may direct another inquisition to take place in
the manner before described, whose decision shall
be returned as before directed, and such valuation
when paid or tendered to the owner or owners, of
said property, or to his, her, or their agent or agents,
attorney, legal representative, or guardians, shall en-
title the said company to the estate and interest in
the same thus valued, as fully as if it had been con-
veyed by the owner or owners of the same, and the
said valuation, if not received when tendered, may
at any time thereafter be received from the said
company, by the said owner or owners, his, her, or
their legal representatives, or guardian, provided,
that no private property shall be taken by the said
company, for the use of the said road, stations, de-
pots, wharves, sidings, or any of its works, without
just compensation, as agreed by the said parties, or
awarded by the jury, being first paid or tendered to
the party entitled to such compensation; and the
said Sheriff shall keep the said jury together for a
reasonable time, until they shall agree upon and
sign and seal the said inquisition, and in case it shall
so happen that the jury cannot agree, after being
Cannot agree
kept together as aforesaid, the said sheriff may in
his discretion discharge the said jury, and without
any further warrant from a justice of the peace,
within five days thereafter summon another jury of
twenty disinterested persons as aforesaid, and the
same proceeding shall be had in all respects as is
hereinbefore provided; and in case of a second or
other disagreement of the jury, the same proceedings
shall be had and continued until a verdict or in-