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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2842   View pdf image (33K)
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COMPANY—Senate bill to change name to
National Easiness Adjuster Company, 888; sec-
ond, 896; third and passed, 1458.

NATIONAL BANKS—Bill to assess shares of the, 363;
second, 465; third and passed, 1381.

Bill to repeal Act 872, chapter 237, relating
to taxes due on shares of, 598; second, 1353; third
and passed, 1382.

Resolution instructing members of Congress to
secure law requiring the, to retain gold in their
value to, 694; passed, 804.

Senate bill to alter Act 1872, chapter 172, re-
lating to taxes on, 1406; second, 1449j third and
passed, 1501.

NAVAL ASYLUM—Representatives in Congress instructed
relating to, 567; passed, 661.

NEIGHBORS—See Frederick county.

Senate bill to refund money to Nathan O., 208,

NEW CENTRAL COAL COMPANY—Bill to charter, 865,
second, 900; third and passed, 964, 1342.

NEW YORK MINING COMPANY—Senate bill to extend
the charter of, 363; second, 740; third and passed,

NORTH BRANCH COMPANY—Bill to alter the charter,
770; second, 1454; third and passed, 1399, 1493.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2842   View pdf image (33K)
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