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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2837   View pdf image (33K)
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JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL—Senate bill to authorize
the, to hold land, &c., 670, 671; second, 1091;
third and passed, 1467.

JOURNAL OF HOUSE—Chief Clerk ordered to mail a copy
of the, and reports to all the newspapers in the
State, 61.

JUSTICES OF THE PEACE—See Acts of Assembly.

Senate bill to add section to Act 1870, chapter
34, extending jurisdiction of, to assault and bat-
tery cases in certain counties, 675, 721, 880; sec-
ond, 979; third and passed, 1457.



Bill to vest certain property in the Westmin-
ster Presbyterian Church in, 70; second, 95;
third and passed, 103.

Bill to close barber shops on Sunday in, 240;
second, 264.

Bill to protect grouee in, 259; second, 275;
third and passed, 304.

Bill to alter section 114 of, relating to Magis-
trates and Constables, 294; second, 352; third and
passed, 484, 678, 694, 879.

Bill to re-district, 296.

Bill relating to Kent Narrows in, 417, 726, 729,

775. :


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2837   View pdf image (33K)
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