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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2835   View pdf image (33K)
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Bill to alter law of, relating to Justices of the
Peace, 399; second, 478; third and passed, 532.

Bill to regulate building of fences in, 771; sec-
ond, 827; third and passed, 860.

Bill to encourage fox-hunting in, 839; amended,
915; passed, 1065.

Bill to prevent sale of liquor in the 4th district
of, 865; second, 999; third and passed, 1038.

HOUSE OF DELEGATES-See Speaker, Chaplain.

Meeting of,members of, 1; organization, 4, Chair-
man, Mr. Watkins, 5; Mr. Hines elected Speaker
of, 6; Milton Y. Kidd, Chief Clerk of, 8; Wil-
liam H. Cole, Beading Clerk, 8, 10; message
from, and to the Senate to inform Governor of the
organization of the, 10; ordered that officers of
the last, be paid, 11; Committee to recommend
officers of, 11; Committee on Rules of, 14; Com-
mittees of the, appointed, 15; officers of last, to
be paid two days more, 39; officers of this, to be
paid same as last, 341; officers and members to
he furnished with same amount of stamps as Sen-
ators, 341, 342.

Order not to consider bill introduced after 27th
day of March, 978.

Wm. H. Cole appointed Chief Clerk pro tem,
and Thomas. H. Moore, Reading Clerk, 1156.

Beport of Committee on Elections as to who
were elected members of, 1472.

HUGG—Leave for bill to legalize bequest of John S., to
Trinity P. E. Chureh in Baltimore, 21; read first
time, 55; second, 63; third and passed, 73.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2835   View pdf image (33K)
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