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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2832   View pdf image (33K)
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GOVERNOR—Message from, to House, also sending docu-
ments, 11, committee relating to message of the,
19; report referring different portions of the mes-
sags of the, to appropriate committee, 46, 49.

Election of James B. Groome, Esq., as, 244,
247; committee to notify, 510.

Senate bill to provide for vacancy in office of,
158, second, 365, 366.

Senate bill to pay for portraits of Governors
Thomas, Stone, Wm. Paca and Thomas Johnson,
1098-9. 1318, 1440.

GRAIN—See weighers.

GULLIFORD—Bill to reassess property of L. D., 91.


ter of, 239; second, 264; third and passed, 280,
630; vetoed, 908; new bill, 1103,

HAGERSTOWN—Senate bill to allow city of, to issue bonds
to pay the judgment of N. Sehner, 121; amended,
135; third and passed, 222.

HALL—The, of the House granted to Sons of Temperance,
79; to State Temperance Alliance, 193; the pres-
ent, keeper to have control of House and Com-
mittee Rooms and, during recess of the Legislature,

HAMILTON—Mr., to be paid per diem of member while he
served as Chief Clerk of the House, 1353.

charter, 884, 896, 1465.

HAINES—Senate bill to allow H., to settle guardian accounts
in the Orphans' Court of Baltimore City, 121;
second reading, 185, 325; third and passed, 485.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2832   View pdf image (33K)
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