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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2829   View pdf image (33K)
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Bill to incorporate Mechanicstown Town-Hall
Company in, 186, second reading, 195, 221, 528,

Bill to prevent sale of liquor near Brook Hill
Meeting-House in, 328; second, 384; third and
passed, 536.

Bill to incorporate Lodge of Knights of Pythi-
as, Mechanicstown in, 346; second, 452.

Bill to alter chatter of Mechanicstown in, 479;

Bill to pay N. O. Neighbours, late Sheriff of,
506, 1455.

Bill to incorporate a Company to build Turn-
pike from Woodrow to Creagerstown in 110; lost,

Bill to allow witnesses mileage in, 614, 961.

Bill for additional Magistrate in 9th and 5th
Districts of, 615, 623, 814.

Senate bill to allow Commissioners of, to allow
discount upon taxes, 666; second, 698; third and
passed, 1461.

Senate hill to sanction bequest of Rebecca Zim-
merman of, to Evangelical Church in, 669; sec-
ond, 739, 767; passed, 1146.

Bill to alter charter of the Methodist Episcopal
Church in, 674, 1061.

Bill to prevent swine from running at large in
Knoxrille in, 720, 721; second, 1236; third and
passed, 1274.

Bill to alter section 40 of, also Act of 1868,
chapter 7, 743; second, 975; passed, 1005.

Bill to pay pension E. C. Dorsey of, 769; sec-
ond, 1134; passed, 1185, 1884

Bill to sell School-House No. 104 of, 1057; sec-
ond, 1237; third and passed, 1351.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 2829   View pdf image (33K)
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