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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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And whereas, Such action must widen the gulf between the
different sections of our country, and keep open the festering
wounds, which it has been the careful policy of our State to

And whereas, In the absence of any necessity, we must
regard such act as gratuitously oppressive, and a direct and
uncalled for interference with the rights of the States.

Therefore, Be it Resolved, That the General Assembly of
Maryland, do respectfully, but must solemnly and earnestly
protest against such act, as unnecessary, uncalled for, unwise
and oppressive, as abhorent lo the instincts of race, offensive
to the laws of nature, and in direct violation of the laws of
Almighty God, as read in His works, and which, in the
ruinous results of hybridization, instruct us as to His wise pur-
poses that the races of men, as of the inferior animals should
be kept distinct and to themselves.

And further, Be it Resolved, That our Senators in the
Congress of the United States, be instructed and our repre-
sentatives respectfully requested to present this our solemn
protest and memorial to their respective Houses, and use their
best efforts to prevent the passage of this contemplated law.

Which were read the first time.

The President laid before the Senate the -report of the Com-
missioners appointed on the part of the State of Maryland,
to confer with Commissioners appointed by the State of
Virginia, with reference to the boundary line between the
States of Maryland and Virginia.

[See Document E.]

On motion by Mr. Tuck,

Said report was referred to the Committee on Federal Rela-

On motion by Mr. Davis,
2000 Copies of said report were ordered to be printed.

Mr. Billingsley, submitted the following report from N. F.
D. Browne, Principal of the Charlotte Hall School, for the
year 1873:

To the Honorable

The Senators of Maryland :

GENTLEMEN:—I beg leave to submit the following report of
Charlotte Hall School, for the year 1873 :

This School although reduced in number to an average of


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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