Clark, monies erroneously paid by them to Tabacco Inspec-
tors in Baltimore City, for outage and storage.
Which was read a second time.
Also, favorably,
The Senate bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money for the use and benefit of the House of Reformation
and Institution for Colored Children, situated in Prince
George's county, for the erection of an additional family
building and other necessary shops and outhouses, with the
following amendment:
In line 5, section 2, insert:
"Provided, That the said Board of Managers shall adopt
plans, prepare specifications, write proposals and enter into
contract with responsible persons, to be appointed by the
Board of Public Works, that the above appropriations will
complete the building or buildings contempleted by this
Said proposed amendment was adopted,
And the bill, as amended, was read a second time.
The Secretary of the Senate returned the following bills,
Severally endorsed, "Passed by yeas and nays:"
The bill entitled an Act to repeal the Act passed at Jan-
uary session, 1872, chapter 234, entitled an Act to tax the
gross receipts of Railroad Companies in this State, for State
purposes, and to re-enact, the same with amendments, and to
add the same to Article 81, of the Code of Public General
Laws of this State.
The bill entitled an Act to incorporate the Maryland
Canal Company.
Also, returned endorsed unfavorably,
The bill entitled an Act to grant pensions to Certain sol-
diers and sailors, and the widows of soldiers and sailors of the
war of 1812, who served in the service of the United State
from the State of Maryland, and who have not heretofore re-
ceived a pension from the State.
And the unfavorable report was adopted.
Also, returned endorsed unfavorably,
The bill entitled an Act to amend the Act of 1868, chapter
224, entitled an Act to pay Elizabeth C. Dorsey, of Frede-