Keech, Annan, Wier,
Buchanan, Lee, Wack,
Matthews, Riley, Park,
Merryman, Dawson, Brace,
Turner, of B. eo., Williams, Waters,
Banks, McCosker, Vanderford,
Seth, T. H. Hamilton, Galt,
Valliant, Cooper, Brown,
Sudler, McWilliams, Maclin,
Coulbourn, Stewart, of B. city, Stewart, of How'd,
Duer, McAleese, Bedsworth,
Johnson, Gill, West—65.
Hodson, Loane,
Said bill was then returned to the Senate.
The Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal the Act of
Assembly of 1858, chapter 13, passed February 10th, 1858,
entitled an Act amendatory of the Act of Assembly passed
at December session, 1834, chapter 87, entitled an Act to in-
corporate the Trustees of the Education Fund of the Balti-
more Annual Conference, and to re-enact the same with
Was read a third time and passed by yeas and nays, as
Hines, Speaker, Hodson, Greenfield,
Bond, Mackey, Harig,
Colton, Davis, Joyce,
Merritt, Thompson, Groh,
Henkle, Kemp, Fenton,
Robinson, Merrill, Berry,
Nutwell, Koons, Stake,
Turner, of Calv't, Miller, Clark,
Lancaster, Lamar, Watkins,
Hawkins, Nicodemus, Fletchall,
Keech, Annan, Wier,
Buchanan. Lee, Wack,
Matthews, Riley, Park,
Merryman, Dawson, Brace,
Turner, of B. co, Williams, Waters,
Banks, McCosker, Vanderford,
Seth, T.H.Hamilton, Galt,
Valliant, Cooper, Brown,
Sudler, McWilliams, Maclin,
Coulbourn, Stewart, of B. city, Stewart, of How'd,
Duer, McAleese, Bedsworth,
Johnson, Gill, West—66.
Said bill was then returned to the Senate.