1240 INDEX.
Mayor and Council of Hagerstown—Leave for a bill
authorizing, to borrow five thousand dollars to
pay judgment of Nathaniel Lehner, and of John
G. Gruber, 62; bill reported and read first time,
engrossed and passed, 64; returned from House
with amendments, 201; bill passed with House
amendments, 202; approved by Governor, 245.
Turnpike Companies—House bill entitled an Act to
authorize County Commissioners of, to subscribe
to capital stock of, 154; bill reported, 198; third
reading, 486.
Partridges—House bill providing for better protec-
tion of, in, 154; second reading, 540; third read-
ing, 815.
Washington Cemetery—Leave for a bill to, entitled
au Act supplementary to the Act of 1870, chapter
213, making an appropriation to, 179; bill re-
ported, 199; amendment offered, second reading
of, 226, 257; third reading, 406.
Justices of Peace and Constables—House bill to
repeal the Act of 1872, chapter 44, entitled an
Act to repeal an Act passed January Session, 1870,
chapter I J, to repeal section 204 of Article XXI.
of Public Local Laws of, 243; second reading,
amended, third reading, 258: returned to House.
House bill to repeal sections 54, 55, 56, 57 of
Article XXI. of Code of Local Laws of. 243:
second reading, 268; third reading, 460.
Methodist Protestant Church, Clear Spring-- Un-
favorable report on petition for sale of, in Wash-
ington county, 342.
County Commissioners—House bill to enlarge, etc.,
powers of, 414; first reading, second reading.
541; third reading, 599.
Sheriff—Petition that, be allowed 50 cts. per day
for keeping prisoners, 468.
Wm. McKeppler—Leave for a bill to extend time
of, to complete records in Circuit Court, 468: first
reading, 503; second reading, 582: third reading.
649. 830. 837.