1152 INDEX.
Leave for a bill to repeal section. 2 of chapter
410 of the Act passed January Session, 1872, re-
lating to publication of Local Laws, 66, 71, 74,
84 ; bill passed 115 ; returned from House, 244.
Leave for a bill to repeal law of marriage, 1 18.
Officers of Registration, Judges of Election and others,
indicted in the United States Courts, in perfor-
mance of their official duties—House bill for
defence of, 136 ; second reading, 147 ; third read-
ing, 163.
Leave for a bill to repeal chapter 441 of 1870,
relating to Officers' Fees, 193.
Meredith's Ford and Jarrettsville Turnpike Company
of Baltimore and Harford counties—House bill
entitled an Act to repeal and re-enact with amend-
ments, section 5 of chapter 173.relating to, 204 ;
report on, 224 ; passed, 302.
Senate bill entitled au Act to repeal section 2,
chapter 362 of Act of 1870, so far as the same
provides that no extra assessment shall be made
and no extra and special tax shall be levied or col-
lected on any bridge or bridges over a navigable
stream, forming any part of the railroad or rail-
roads in this State, and to re-enact the same as
amended, 204; on second reading, ordered to lic
over, 230.
Leave for a bill entitled a supplement to the
Act of, 1812, chapter 159; entitled an Act for
founding a University of Maryland and to au-
thorize the Regents thereof, to sell a portion of
the property thereof to Faculty of Physic, and to
apply the proceeds for the erection of a hospital,
270 ; bill reported, 305; second reading, 388;
third reading, 460, 689, 730, 794, 804, 805, 806,
Leave for a bill to repeal chapter 233 of the Act
of 1870, in regard to publication of county ex-
penses, 271.
Maryland Institution for the instruction of the
Blind—Bill reported to incorporate supplementary
to the Act of May 19th, 1853, 305.