1874.] OF THE SENATE. 1053
gladly do I assert it as my belief that we are about to "part
without any disturbance of that friendly sentiment which we
feel should exist among us.
Although engaged in what may be called the dry routine
of public business, we have not, I am sure, been unmindful
of those points of nature that make us all akin, and let us
trust that, in the midst of much that might have awakened
an adverse feeling to each other, we, at least, have shown
that men may differ without intolerance; may be earnest with-
out animosity, and may even be disappointed without a mis-
construction of the motives of those who have labored with
tnem for a common end.
To you, Senators, who so generously confided to my hands
the highest honor in your gift, I have only to say that if, in
the execution of the duties of this chair, I have been fortu-
nate enough to secure your approbation and esteem, then
truly shall I have added a crowning pleasure to the memo-
ries of this Session, as a look back upon the indulgence shown
me, and the great consideration which I have received at your
May we not hope that the associations formed among
us will not be laid aside with the limits of our official duty,
but that they may be continued and strengthened for our
mutual pleasure and advantage.
To the officers of this Chamber, I wish to offer my thanks
for the able and efficient manner in which they have dis-
charged their arduous labors, and, I am sure, the Senate will
join with me as I testify to the uniform courtesy and unfail-
ing industry and fairness of the representative of the Associ-
ated Press. And now, Senators, as I take my leave, with
a full appreciation of the friendships I have formed, permit
me to offer you, one and all, my sincerest wishes for your
success, and to assure you, that whatever be the path of duty
upon which you may be called to act, I shall not fail to follow
with interest the fortunes of those who shared with me the
labors and pleasures of the Session of 1874.
I pronounce the Senate of Maryland adjourned sine die.