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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 1040   View pdf image (33K)
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Personally, I must be excused for availing myself of this
opportunity to express my hearty appreciation of the courtesy
and kindness, that have been extended me by my brother
Senators, since my connection with this body, and as the term
of service is about to expire, for which I have been elected by
a generous constituency, it is with no ordinary feelings of
pleasure that I bear testimony to the dignified tone, and
manly bearing that have been manifested by the Maryland
gentlemen who have occupied, during the Sessions of '72 and
'74, chairs in this chamber so replete with historical associa-
tions and precious memories.

May we not pray that from this chamber, shall go forth
something of the spirit of courtesy and kind forbearance,
that have reigned here, to the meetings which our political
parties shall hereafter hold, that may mitigate the acerbities
of their political discussions, and tend to excite a chivalric
feeling in the treatment of political opponents. May we not
hope that we can contribute some little to the banishment of
personal abuse from the field of partisan politics, and to the
recognition of the same rulesof courtesy on the hustings that
hold in the intercourse of gentlemen !

But the pendulum relentlesly continues its vibrations, and
the minute hand steadily moves on towards the hour of part-
ing, when the session of'74 shall cease to be a present reali-
ty, and become a portion of the history of the State, and I
dare not claim more of the short time yet left us. May He,
who holds the destinies of all in His hands, bring us safely
to our dear ones at home, and preserve us and ours amid all
the future vicissitudes of life! May He give us strength and
and courage to do whatever may be our duty, with a heart
unmoved by any fear save that of doing wrong !

The House bill entitled an Act to repeal section 12 of
Article LXIV. of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled
"Mortgages," and to re-enact the same with amendments,

Was read the third time and passed, with proposed amend-
ments, by yeas and nays as follows :


Messrs. Aydelott, Getty,
Blake, Knight,
Brewer, Lloyd,
Billingsley, Mudd,
Brattan, McCulloh,
Crawford, Stevens,
Claggett, Spencer,
Davis, Suit,
Earle, Tuck,
Fields, Walsh—20.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1874
Volume 211, Page 1040   View pdf image (33K)
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