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Session Laws, 1833
Volume 210, Page 473   View pdf image (33K)
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172. A further supplement to the act for the valuation of
real and personal property, in Anne Arundel county.

173. An additional supplement to the act, entitled, an act
for the despatch of business, in Baltimore county court.

174. An act relating to Hamburg street, in the city of

175. An act to revive and amend the act, entitled, an
act to provide for the appointment of commissioners for the
regulation and improvement of the Town of Cumberland,
in Allegany county, and to incorporate the same.

176. A supplement to the act, entitled, an act for open-
ing and increasing the width of German lane, in the city
of Baltimore, passed at December session, 1831, chapter

177. A supplement to the act, entitled, an act, relating
to the Importation of passengers.

178. A supplement to the act, entitled, an act, to incor-
porate a Fire Insurance company, in the city of Baltimore,
passed December 23d, 1807, chap. 68.

179. A supplement to the act, entitled, an act, for the
benefit of the heirs of John Henderson, late of the city of
Baltimore, deceased.

180. An act to authorise the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, to pass ordinances relative to Mount Vernon or
Washington Place.

181. An act relating to Mortgages.

182. An additional supplement to the act, entitled, an
act, relating to the city of Baltimore, passed at December
session 1817.

183. A supplement to the act, entitled, an act for the
relief of Robert H. Hays, of Cecil county, passed at this
present session.

184. An act for the relief of Elijah Taylor, of Baltimore

185. An act supplementary to an act, entitled, an act to
incorporate the Maryland Savings Institution.

186. An act entitled an act, to incorporate a company to
make a turnpike road from Frederick city, by the way of
Smithsburgh in Washington county, to the Pennsylvania

187. An act to incorporate the United Fire Depart-

188. An act to incorporate the Transquakin Company,
in Dorchester county.

389. An act, entitled, a further supplement to the act,
entitled, an act, relative to Justices of the Peace, and for
other purposes, passed at December session 1814.


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Session Laws, 1833
Volume 210, Page 473   View pdf image (33K)
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