No. 98.
Passed Mar.14,1834.
Resolution relative to the Washington Monument.
WHEREAS, by an act passed eighteen hundred and twen-
ty-four, chapter one hundred and twenty-five, it is provid-
ed, that all surplus that may be received from the stale lotte-
ries, over and above twelve thousand dollars shall be paid to
the managers of the Washington Monument Lottery,untii the
debts now due shall be paid and the Monument is comple-
ted; AND WHEREAS, by an act passed December session,
eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, chapter one hundred
and sixty five, it is provided that the Washington Monu-
ment shall be held and considered the property of the slate;
and the Treasurer of the Western Shore was authorised to
issue and deliver to the managers twenty thousand dollars
of five per cent, stock, redeemable out of the funds from
State Lotteries, to the payment of the interest and the ex-
tinguishment of the principal, and as there now remains ten
thousand dollars of said stock due and unpaid, which is
held and owned by the nieces of Robert Giimor, Eqr. of
Baltimore, who as their agent and next friend has signified
his assent in writing that the payment of said slock shall
be postponed, the interest thereon being paid in the man-
ner and out of the funds heretofore provided, upon the con-
dition that the avails of the lotteries after the payment of
the same previously appropriated shall be applied to the
completion of the Washington Monument; and whereas, the
managers have officially represented that fifty thousand dol-
lars is necessary to complete the same—Therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is hereby
authorised and directed to postpone the application of the
receipts from State Lotteries of the excess of twelve
thousand dollars annually, to the redemption of the Monu-
ment five percent stock until the managers of theWashington
Monument shall have received of such excess a sufficient
sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars to complete the
said Monument; Provided, that the said managers first de-
posit their declaration in writing with said Treasurer, that
they will not expend more than fifty thousand dollars in the
completion of the same.