CHAP. 278.
An act to repeal an act for the establishment and support of
Public Free Schools, in the first Election District of Bal-
timore county, and the several supplements thereto.
Passed Mar. 14,1834
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly oj Ma-
ryland, That the act entitled, an act for the establishment
and support of public Free schools, in the first Election
District of Baltimore county, passed December session,
eighteen hundred and twenty five, chapter one hundred and
forty two, and the several supplements thereto, be and the
same is hereby repealed.
Repealing clause
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of en-
abling the commissioners of public Free schools, of the
first Election District of Baltimore county, to discharge
any liabilities which they may or shall have incurred under
authority of law, prior to the first Monday of October next,
that all the powers heretofore vested in them are hereby
continued so far as the same may be necessary to enable
them to collect all outstanding and unpaid assessments here-
tofore levied, the collections when made to be applied to
the discharge of the liabilities aforesaid, and in case such
collections when fully made shall not be adequate to the
discharge of all said liabilities, the said commissioners are
hereby authorised and directed to sell at public sale at such
limes and upon such terms as they may deem expedient,
the whole or such parts of the property vested in them as
commissioners aforesaid, except school houses and lots, as
may be necessary to enable them to discharge said liabili-
Fulfill existing ob-
ties in full; and it is hereby provided, that the said commis-
sioners shall not between the passage of this act, and the
first Monday of October next, enter into any obligation
that shall extend beyond that day.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That between the first and
tenth days of September next, the commissioners of Balti-
more county shall give notice in at least three of the news-
papers, published ia the city of Baltimore, and also by ad-
vertisement set-up in six or more places in the first election
district of said county, that on the first Monday of Octo-
ber next, each citizen of said district qualified to vote for
Delegates to the General Assembly of Maryland shall be
at liberty to give his assent or dissent to the adoption of
this act, lor which purpose he may give in his assent by
Notice repaired
means of a ballot marked, yes, or his dissent by means of
a ballot marked, no; which said ballots shall be deposited
Balloting directed.