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Session Laws, 1833
Volume 210, Page 311   View pdf image (33K)
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Passed Mar.15, 1834

An additional supplement to an act to regulate the is»
suing of licenses to traders, keepers of ordinaries and


WHEREAS, it is understood that the act entitled, an act
to regulate the issuing of licenses to traders, keepers of
ordinaries and others, has been so construed as to extend
to the keepers of victualling houses, cook shops or oyster
houses, all the privileges, rights and powers of keepers of
ordinaries, taverns or public inns, contrary to the manifest
intention and meaning of the law, and to the great injury
of the public revenue: for remedy thereof by more notable

License defined

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the thirtieth day of April next, license
to keep a victualling house, cook shop or oyster house
shall not authorise or be consumed to authorise the vend-
ing, bartering^ furnishing or permitting the use therein of
spirituous liquors in any manner or quantity whatsoever,
nor the keeping of an ordinary tavern or public inn.



Passed.Mar. 15,1834

A supplement to an act entitled, an act incorporating a com-
pany to make a turnpike road from Williamsport to Ha-

Case of damages-
agreement—if non
compos, &c., pro-
ceedings directed

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in all cases where damages are claimed
by the owner or owners of land through which the turn-
pike road, which the company incorporated by the act to
which this is a supplement, is authorised to make, may
pass, the president and managers of said company, or a
majority of them, or any person authorised by them, may
agree with the owner or owners of such land for such da-
mages as maybe sustained by him, her or them, by the
said road passing through the same, or with the owner or
owners of the land on which the same may be, for the pur-
chase of said land, and in case of no agreement being made,
or in case the owner shall be a feme covert, under age or non

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Session Laws, 1833
Volume 210, Page 311   View pdf image (33K)
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