said Francina Kidd to contract marriage during the life
time of her said husband.
CHAP. 253.
A further supplement to an act entitled, an act to provide
for the purchase of the office papers formerly belonging to
the Surveyor's office of Montgomery county, passed at De-
cember session, eighteen hundred and twenty nine, chapter
one hundred and twenty-six.
Passed Mar. 15,1834
WHEREAS, by an act of Assembly, passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, and a supple-
ment thereto, passed at December session, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty, Zadock Magruder, William McLannahan
and Thomas Gittings were authorised and appointed to
inspect, value and purchase the certificates of surveys, re-
surveys, plats and other papers, which in their judgment
they might deem essential to the interesr, and relating; to
the land affairs of Montgomery county; AND WHEREAS, the
aforesaid papers have been purchased and delivered to the
surveyor of said county, under the provisions of the said
act of Assembly and the supplement thereto, to be filed in
his office, to be considered and kept as public papers, by the
said surveyor of Montgomery county and his successors,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall be the duty of the surveyor of Montgomery
county, and his successors, to give extracts of such papers
and plats to any person or persons applying for the same,
and the surveyor furnishing the same, shall be entitled to
demand and receive from the person or persons so furnish-
ed, such compensation therefor as is allowed bylaw to the
clerks of the county courts for like services.
Duty to give ex-
tracts — compen-'