the plat herein before directed, to be returned to the clerk
of the county court aforesaid, be and the same is hereby
declared to be vested in the company incorporated by this
act, in them and their successors in perpetuity in full and
absolute estate and properly, and the justice, sheriff and
jurors shall receive the same compensation for services
rendered under the provisions of this act, as they are au-
thorised to receive in similar cases; and the clerk shall re-
ceive for recording each statement and plat, directed by
this act to be returned and recorded by him, the same
compensation he would be entitled to receive for recording
any other instrument of writing.
CHAP. 215.
Sec. 15. And be if enacted, That the county commission-
ers of Washington county be and they are hereby author-
ised to subscribe for such number of shares, not exceeding
one hundred, in the capital stock of the company incorpo-
rated by this act, that they may deem expedient and proper
to be subscribed for in the name and for the benefit of the
county of Washington, and to be represented at all meet-
ings of the stockholders of said company by the county com-
missioners for the time being, or by such person or per-
sons as may be duly authorised by them; and they are fur-
County commis-
sioners may sub-
ther authorised to levy on the taxable property of said
county such sum or sums of money as may be necessary
and proper to comply with the terms of said subscription.
And levy
An act entitled, an act to Incorporate a Savings Institution,
in Mechanics' Town, Frederick county.
Passed Mar. 14,1834
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Leonard Picking, Joseph Weller, William
Creegar, Henry Faudenburg, Samuel Stem, Jacob Weller,
B. S. Joseph Kuhn, Monasses Creeger, Samuel Heard,
William Siften, Nathaniel Rice, David Zcpp, John Arthur,
Charles Gilpin, George H. Johnson, William P. Jones,
James Fahs, John Grove, Levi Creeger, Nathan Eyler,
Jacob Firer, Joseph Willbud, and all and every other per-
son or persons hereafter becoming members of the Mechan-
ics Town Savings Institution, of Frederick County, locat-
ed in the town of Mechanicstown in the manner hereafter
mentioned shall be and are hereby created and made a cor-
Persons incorporate