to elect a President and five Directors, to manage the af
fairs of the said company for one year, and until a new
election is had, in the manner and form directed in the
by laws of the company; Provided, that no subscriber shall
be entitled to vote for president and directors, whose stock
shall not have been paid in as required by this act, and
the by-laws of the said company.
CHAP. 188.
Election of officers
Sec. 5. And 6e it enacted, That the said president and
directors shall have power to appoint the time and direcl
the manner of holding the elections for president and di-
rectors, which election shall be made annually; may pro-
vide for calling t he general meeting of the stockholders;
may provide the mode of transferring the stock of the
company, and furnishing evidence of the ownership of
shares in said company; may have the power and authori-
ty to regulate and fix the amount of coll to be paid by per-
sons using and passing along and on said canal.
Regulate elections
—transfers— tolls,
Sec. 6. And 6e it enacted, That the president and di-
rectors, who may be chosen in the manner hereinbefore pro-
vided for, shall have full and ample power and authority
to survey, examine, select and locate, such convenient
rout for said canal, as they may deem most advantageous,
and the same to cut, dig, excavate, and make from such
point near Transquakin bridge, on Transquakin river, to
such other point or place as they may select, at or near
Hursts' creek, on Great Choptank liver; and to divert or
change from their usual course the waters of any stream,
creek or river, which they may find suitable and necessary
for the purpose; the said president and directors having
Locate and con-
first obtained the consent of all and every person or per-
sons, having any rights, privileges or interests in the same.
and also the consent of the owners of the land through
which said canal may pass; and if it be necessary that said
canal should pass through the land of any person whose
consent cannot be had, the damages to be paid by the com-
pany aforesaid, shall be assessed by a jury to be summon-
ed and empannelled by the sheriff of Dorchester county,
and upon application to the sheriff of said county, by the
president and directors aforesaid, it shall be his duty to
Consent of owners
summon a jury of twelve persons qualified as jurors of the
county court, giving them and the owners or parties inter-
ested in the land, stream err streams of water, to be assess-
ed at least eight days previous notice of the time and place
a jury being empannelled; Provided, .that the canal shall
not pass through the house, garden or orchard of any
Or proceedings dir-