CHAP. 179. ,
A supplement to the act , entitled, an act, to incorporate a
Fife Insurance Company, in the city of Baltimore, pass-
ed December twenty third, eighteen hundred seven, chapt.
sixty eight.
Passed Mar. 12,183^
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
it shall be lawful for the said corporation, to make loans
upon bond and mortgage or other securities on real estate,
and to convert any portion of their capital stock into real
estate, from time to lime, as may be deemed expedient by
Loam authorised
the President and Directors thereof; Provided, that the
real estate so held, or to be held by said corporation, shall
not any time exceed three fourths of said capital stock,
any thing in the original law to the contrary notwithstand-
ing; Provided also, that on or before the first day of Ja-
nuary next, the individual stockholders in the said com-
pany, shall at a general meeting called agreeably to the
provisions of the original act, to which this is a supple-
ment, declare their assent to the exercise of the power
hereby given or intended to be given.
Assent required
A Supplement to the act entitled, an act for the benefit of
the heirs of John Henderson, late of the city of Balti-
more, deceased.
Passed Mar.12, 1834
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
John R. Wier, administrator of said Henderson, be and he
is hereby authorised under the direction and with the ap-
probation of the orphan's court of Baltimore county, to ex-
pend such further sum cut of the funds of said Hen-
derson's estate, as may be necessary to pay in full for the
improvement of the lot of ground mentioned in the act to
Which this is a supplement,
Permission granted