any person or persons shall give in a partial account of his,
her or their real and personal property, or of the real and
personal property, in his her or their possession, or under
his, her, or their care and management, with the intention
fo avoid the payment of the assessment or tax on such pro-
perty, such person or persons shall pay double tax on the
real value of such property
CHAP. 149.
Sec. S. And be it enacted, That the assessors shall in-
form themselves by all lawful ways and means, of all real
and personal property in said county, and shall value the
same according to the provisions of this act, and to the full
cash value thereof.
Assessor's duty
See. 9. And be it enacted, That in case any of the said
assessors shall die, or shall neglect or refuse to act, or be
rendered incapable of acting before the appointment is
completed, the commissioners of said county shall appoint
another or others to fill such vacancy or vacancies.
Vacancy of assessor
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the several assessors
appointed by virtue of this act, shall receive such compen-
sation for their services, as the commissioners of said coun-
ty shall think reasonable and proper, according to the duty
which said assessors shall respectively perform, which said
compensation shall be levied and collected as other county
charges are.
Their compensa-
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners,
be, and they are hereby authorised to cause to be complet-
ed, the said assessment in said county, on or before the
first day of July next, any law to the contrary notwith-
Period to complete
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That whatever extia duties
the execution of this law may create or impose on the clerk
to the commissioners, they may in their discretion allow
him such an amount as they may deem an equivalent for
such extra duties.
Compensation to
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the commissiopers
shall at their first levy term after the final completion of
the assessment, proceed to levy the taxation on the said new
assessment, as the circumstances of the county may re-
Levy hereafter