CHAP. 12
suitable and convenient place for holding elections in said
Description of dis-
trict— recorded
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
on of before the list day of August, Anno Domini, eighteen
hundred and thirty-five, shall deliver to the clerk of Somer-
set county, a description in writing under their hands and
seels of the place selected far holding elections in the
said district, and the said clerk shall record the same
among the records of the said county.
See. 4. And be it enacted, That the Levy court shall al-
low to each of the commissioners who may attend in dis-
charging the duties of this act a compensation not ex-
ceeding two dollars per diem, to be levied and collected
as other public charges are levied and collected.
Judges of Election
Sec. 5. And be it exacted, That in case this act shall be
confirmed as hereinafter provided, it shall be the duty of
the Levy court as aforesaid, to appoint three suitable per-
sons to act as judges of elections in the said district.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That it this act shall be con-
firmed at the next session of the General Assembly, the
same and the alterations herein contained shall constitute
and be considered a part of the constitution and form of
government to all intents and purposes.
Passed Jan. 20, 1834
An act to Incorporate the Carroll Beneficial Society of Bal-
WHEREAS, Aaron Cain, William Armor, Samuel Rust,
Joseph R. Foreman, George Teal, John Davis, Joseph
McCubbin, Aaron McCubbin, Joshua McCubbin, John
Couzens, Samuel McPherson, Edward Sweeden, William
McClean, William Wilbe, Charles Wilbe, Joel Jones and
others, have formed themselves into a society for the lau-
dable purpose of affording relief to each other and their
respective families, in the event of sickness and death,
and have prayed an act of incorporation, that they may the
better execute their intentions, and the Legislature being
desirous of promoting such useful institutions: — There-