Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the assessor shall inform
himself by all lawful ways and means of all real and per-
sonal property in the district wherein he is appointed the
assessor and shall value the same according to this act
and to the full cash value thereof.
CHAP. 145.
Assessor's duty
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, Tint in case any of the said
assessors shall die or be rendered incapable of acting be-
fore the assessment is completed, the Commissioners of
said County shall appoint another to fill such vacancy or
Vacancy by assess-
Sec. 10 And be it enacted, That the several assessors ap-
pointed by virtue of this act, shall receive such compensation
for their services as the said Commissioners of said Coun-
ty shall think leasonable and proper according to the du-
ty which said assessor shall respectively perform, which
said compensation shall be levied and collected as other
county charges are.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That whatever extra duties
the execution of this law may create or impose on the Clerk
to the commissioners, they may allow him an amount which
they may deem an equivalent for such extra duties.
Compensation to
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners
shall at their first levy term after the final completion of the
assessment, proceed to levy the taxation on the said now
assessment as the circumstances of the county may re-
quire .
Levy thereatter
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners of
Washington County at all subsequent periods , when in
their opinion the public interest may require a reassessment
and revaluation of the property in said county, they may
cause it to be done under the provisions of this act.
Assessments here-
An act to unite Middletown, Keller's addition to Middle-
town, Grove's addition to Middletown, and Wise's addi-
tion to Middletown, into one, by the name of Middletown,
and incorporate the same.
Passed Mar. 4, I834
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the citizens of Middletown, Kellers addi-
tion to Middletown, Grove's addition to Middletown, and