hereafter to have! common seal for their use, and the same
at their will and pleasure, to change, alter, break and make
anew from time to time, as they shall think best, and shall
CHAP. 128
in general have and exercise all such lights, franchises,
privileges and immunities, as by law are necessary to the
corporation herein and hereby constituted and erected, to
enable them duly and fully in the law to execute all things
touching and concerning the design and intent of their said
corporation, for the benevolent succour, relief and good
order of its members, and the widows and orphans of de-
ceased members of said society, agreeably to the constitu-
tion and such rules and by-laws as may be established by
the said society.
General powers
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That no member of the said
society, shall in his individual capacity, be answerable for
any losses, deficiences or failures of the joint funds of the
said Society, for any more or larger sum or sums of money
whatsoever, than the current amount by him payable into
the common fund of the society.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That if at any time it may be
thought necessary to dissolve this society, a proposition to
that effect shall be laid on the table in writing, signed by at
least seven benefit members of said society, at a stated
meeting of the said society, and may be discussed at the
next stated or special meeting, but shall not be finally deci-
ded on until it has been two full months before the society,
and shall not take effect unless three fourths of the benefit
members residing within the city and precincts of Balti-
more are in favor thereof.
Method of dissoly-
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That this act shall be and re-
main in force until the firs day of January, eighteen hun-
dred and forty five; Provided, that no such dissolution shall
in any manner be construed to affect or invalidate any claim
against the society hereby incorporated, contracted previ-
ous to such dissolution, or in any way affect any suit insti-
tuted, or to be instituted by or against said corporation.