Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That in the event of the death,
resignation or dismissal of the said clerk, the said justices
shall proceed as soon as convenient to fill said vacancy in
the manner prescribed in this act.
CHAP. 128.
Case of vacancy
An act to incorporate the Washington Beneficial Society of
Passed Mar. 1, 1834
WHEREAS, Lovelace G. Shipley, Peyton R. Rose, John
M. Mully, John Shaw, John B. Blackestone, George Coss,
Thomas D. Marriott, Vincent Sutton, Joseph H. Bean, Ro-
bert Briggs, F. P. M. Sweeny, George Love, Elias Ford,
George Riesteir, Frederick Acke, Henry Bowinger, have
formed themselves into a society lor the laudable purpose
of affording relief to each other and their respective fami-
lies, in the event of sickness and death, and have prayed
an act of incorporation that they may the better execute
their intentions, and the Legislature being desirous of pro-
moting such useful institutions — Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Lovelace G. Shipley, Peyton R Rose,
John M. Mully, John Shaw, John B. Blackestone, George
Coss, Thomas D. Marriott, Vincent button, Joseph H.
Bean, Robert Briggs, F. P. M Sweeny, George Love, Elias
Ford, George Brester, Frederick Acke and Henry Bow-
Persons incorpora-
inger, and others that now are, or may hereafter become
members of the said corporation herein erected, or may be
admitted into the f aid corporation agreeably to the consti-
tution, rules and by-laws of the same, and their succes-
sors, are hereby declared to be one community, corpora-
tion and body politic, by the name, style and title of the
Washington Beneficial Society of Baltimore; Provided ne-
vertheless, that the said corporation maybe dissolved at
any time by the consent of its members, as is hereinafter
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the affairs of the said so-
ciety shall be managed and conducted by a President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, five or more stewards and
a messenger, to be elected at such time and place as the
said society may deem proper.
Officers specified
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the present members of
the said society and their successors, by teir corporate
Powers confirmed