100. A State tax of fifteen cents on each one hundred
State school
dollars of taxable property throughout the State shall be
levied annually for the support of free public schools, which
tax shall be collected at the same time and by the same agents
as the general State levy, and shall be paid into the Treasury
of the State, to be distributed by the Treasurer to the Board of
School Commissioners of the City of Baltimore and the several
103. On the first day of January, the fifteenth day of March,
the fifteenth day of June, and the first day of October, in
each year, the Comptroller shall apportion the amount of
To apportion
school tax received by the Treasurer among the several coun-
school tax
ties and the City of Baltimore, in proportion to the whole
among coun-
ties and Bal-
amount apportioned to each by the Comptroller ; and he shall
notify the State Board of Education and the Treasurer of the
several Boards of County School Commissioners of the coun-
ties and the City of Baltimore, on the several days aforesaid ;
and the Treasurer shall pay the several amounts within ten
days after said notification, upon the draft of the president
and secretary of the several Boards of County School Commis-
sioners aforesaid ; provided, also, that if in any county the schools
shall be kept open less than nine months of the year ending
December 31, or any white teacher regularly employed receiv-
ing an annual salary of less than three hundred dollars, as
hereinbefore provided for, the Comptroller shall withhold
from said county the March instalment of the State school
tax ; that the provisions of Section 103 of this Act shall apply
to Garrett County only in so far as to oblige that county
to keep its schools open seven and one-half months, and pay
Applies to Gar-
rett County.
its teachers a minimum salary of two hundred dollars per year.
104. In making the apportionments required by the preced-
ing section, it shall be the duty of the Comptroller to equalize
as far as may be possible the sums to be apportioned, so as to
apportion and distribute the same amount, as far as may be
practicable, on each of said days ; and until otherwise expressly
directed by law, the Comptroller shall charge to said fund and
pay therefrom the annual appropriations that have been or
may hereafter continue to be made for said State Normal
School, and also the appropriation for the Colored Normal
School, the salary of the State Superintendent of Public Edu-
cation, the salary of the clerk of the State Superintendent of
Public Education, and the expenses of the State Board of