SEC. 4. And be it enacted. That David M. Willels, Joseph
P. Cutler, Franklin Heller, David M. Rogan, W. C. Cutler be
and they are hereby constituted and appointed the directors of
and its power
said corporation, and they shall have power at any time after
to organize.
the passage of this Act to organize by the election of a president
and such other directors or officers as in their judgment may be
to them necessary for the proper management of the affairs
of said company.
Officials to
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That the president and directors
serve for one
thus appointed and elected shall serve for one year from the
first Monday in May or until their successors shall be elected
and a general meeting of the stockholders shall be held an-
nually, at which meeting a board of from three to five directors
shall be elected by the stockholders in said corporation by ballot
to manage the affairs of said company, which directors shall
all be stockholders in said corporation and have power to elect
a president from among the members ; and in said election
for directors and all others elected by the stockholders of the
said company each shareholder shall have or be allowed one
vote for every share owned by him or her, and every stock-
holder may vote either in person or by proxy, and the directors
so elected shall serve for one year, or until their successors
shall be elected ; and other meetings of the stockholders may be
called by the president and directors, or a majority of them.
according to such rules as may be adopted, by the said com-
pany, and the board of directors may meet as often as may be
necessary for the transaction of the business of the company.
Ten days' notice shall be given by the president of the time
Annual meet-
and place of the general annual meeting of the stockholders
and of the election of directors of the same as above referred to.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the directors shall have
Power to de-
clare divi-
power to declare such dividends out of the profits of said com-
pany as they may deem proper ; provided, that no dividends
shall be declared when the capital stock shall be imperiled
thereby. The directors shall also have the power to require
Power to re-
quire pay-
payment from each and every stockholder of the amount re-
maining unpaid on the stock of the company held by such
stockholders at such times as they may think proper.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said company shall have
Powers and
and enjoy all the general powers, provisions and privileges
and be subjected to the general regulations contained in Article
23 of the Code of Public Laws of Maryland, for the forma-
tion, power of regulation of corporations, and so far as the