appear to be substantially complied with and the burden of
proof shall be on the exceptant to show the same to be invalid ;
and with reference to any sale or sales not ratified by the said
order and for the purpose of making a just distribution of the
proceeds of any sale ratified and confirmed, the said court may
pass all such other or subsequent orders as may be just and ap-
plicable, and shall have a full and complete jurisdiction as
Court to
have complete
though it were sitting as a court of equity, to pass all such
orders as shall seem just and equitable for the purpose of ad-
vancing the remedy proposed and the aim and purpose of this
Act, and of doing full and complete justice to all parties inter-
ested according to the equity of the matter.
20I. If for any reason payment of taxes levied is not en-
forced by the sale of the property on the first Monday of De-
Treasurer to
cember next succeeding the date of the levy, then and in that
have au-
case the treasurer shall have the authority at any time there-
after, upon the order of the Town Commissioners, to enforce
the payment thereof by sale of the property by making up a
similar list and giving similar notices to those required by
Sections 20G and 20H, and he shall report such sales and they
shall be acted upon by the court in the manner prescribed by
said sections.
20 J. Whenever real estate shall be sold by the said treasurer,
the owner thereof or any one interested therein, prior to the
Can redeem
sale, may redeem the same by paying into court to be paid to
estate sold for
the purchaser thereof within the period of six calendar months
from the date of the ratification of such sale, the amount of
purchase money and all subsequent taxes paid by the pur-
chaser, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per
annum from the date of sale and the date of such payment of
taxes respectively.
20K. After the expiration of six calendar months from the
date of the ratification of each of such sales, the treasurer
Good and suf-
then in office shall, by a good and sufficient deed to be executed
ficient deed.
and acknowledged according to law, convey to the purchaser
or purchasers of the parcels of land sold to them respectively,
provided the same has not been redeemed as aforesaid, and the
deed of the successor in office of the treasurer who made such
sale shall be as good and valid in law as though it had been
executed and delivered by the said last named treasurer.
Atithorized to
20L. The town of Aberdeen is hereby authorized and em-
powered, if the Town Commissioners deem it advisable, to
purchase any property offered for sale for the payment of