westerly parallel with Carey street 70 feet to the center of a 40 foot
alley, thence southwesterly binding on the center of said alley, with
the use thereof in common, 14 feet, and thence southeasterly
parallel with Carey street 70 feet to the place of beginning."
"Beginning. for the second, on the northwesternmost side of
James street at the distance of 454 feet northeasterly from the
corner formed by the intersect inn of the northeasternmost side
of Carey and the northwesternmost side of James streets, and
running thence northeasterly binding on the northwesternmost
side of James street 14 feet, thence northwesterly parallel with
Carey street 70 feet to the center of a 10-foot alley, thence south-
easterly binding on the center of said alley, with the use thereof
in common, 14 feet, and thence southeasterly parallel with
Carey street 70 feet to the place of beginning." "Beginning,
for the third, on the northeasternmost side of James street at
the distance of 168 feet northeasterly from the corner formed
by the intersection of the northeasternmost side of Carey and
the northwesternmost side of James streets, and running thence
northeasterly binding on the northwesternmost side of James
street 14 feet, thence northeasterly parallel with Carey street 70
feet to the center of a 10-foot alley, thence southwesterly bind-
ing on the center of said alley, with the use thereof in common.
14 feet, and thence southeasterly parallel with Carey street 70
feet to the place of beginning." Said deed being of record
among the Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber J. B., No.
1507, folio 380, etc. (j) To the grant of the reversion, in fee,
of the lot of ground and the improvements thereon, in Balti-
more City, by John Kuper and wife, to said vestry; said lot be-
ing known as No. 1805 Thomas avenue, and described as fol-
lows: "Beginning for the same on the east side of Thomas
avenue at a point distant 271 feet south from the corner formed
by the intersection of the east side of Thomas avenue and the
south side of North avenue, thence south bounding on Thomas
avenue 25 feet, thence cast parallel with North avenue 87 feet
Grant to a
9 1/2 inches to the outline of the whole ground, thence northwest
bounding on said line 25 feet 2 1/2 inches to the lot tenthly de-
scribed in lease from Kuper et al to Heaver, thence west on
same 8 1 feet 6 1/4 inches to the place of beginning." Said deed
being of record among the Land Records of Baltimore City, in
Liber R. O., No. 1678, folio 113, etc.
of lot.
(3) To the grant and conveyance from Charles W. Parker
and William G. Harrison, trustees to the Vestry of St. Luke's
Protestant Episcopal Church, of Baltimore, of a certain lot of
ground situated on the east side of Dewberry alley 87 feet south
of Baltimore street, being the lot secondly described in a deed
from said Parker and Harrison, trustees, to said vestry ; said
deed bearing date July 2, 1874, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore City, in Liber G. R., No. 664, folio 11, etc.
(4) To the following bequests under the last will and testa-
ment of George Brehm, late of Baltimore County, Maryland,
deceased, said will bearing date January 6, 1891, probated
March 8, 1904, and of record among the Wills Records in the