"The Mutual
Fire Insur-
1842, Chapter 214, entitled "An Act to incorporate The Mutual
ance Com-
Fire Insurance Company in Harford County ;" Chapter 225
pany in Har-
of the Acts of 1843, entitled "A Supplement to an Act, entitled
'An Act to incorporate The Mutual Fire Insurance Company
in Harford County,' " passed at the December Session, 1842 ;
Chapter 229 of the Acts of 1844. entitled "A further Supple-
ment to an Act, entitled 'An Act to incorporate The Mutual Fire
Insurance Company in Harford County,' " passed at the Decem-
ber Session, 1842; Chapter 173 of the Acts of 1849, entitled
''An Additional Supplement to an Act, entitled 'An Act to in-
corporate The Mutual Fire Insurance Company in Harford
County,' " passed at the December Session, 1842, Chapter
214; Chapter 227 of the Acts of 1880, entitled "An Act to
repeal and re-enact Section 10 of Chapter 214, passed at the
December Session, 1842, entitled "An Act to incorporate The
Mutual Fire Insurance Company in Harford County;" Chap-
ter 1 of the Acts of 1890, entitled "An Act to amend and
extend the charter of The Mutual Fire Insurance Company in
Harford County," and Chapter 478 of the Acts of 1894, entitled
''An Act to amend the charter of The Mutual Fire Insurance
Company in Harford County," be and the same are hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted with amendments so as to read as fol-
2. Said company shall have power and authority to reinsure
any or all of the risks at any time insured or carried by it in
any other fire insurance company, foreign or domestic, mutual
or stock ; to reinsure for any other fire insurance company any
or all risks carried by it ; to borrow money as its needs may re-
quire, and to purchase, hold and dispose of real estate.
3. All applications for insurance in the company shall be
tor insurance.
made in writing and signed by the person or corporation
applying for the same, and when said application has been made,
the amount of full mutual premium fixed and stated therein
and the annual cash cost and other charges thereon paid, the in-
sured shall be deemed to be a duly constituted member of said
company, and as such, entitled to all the privileges of a member
and bound by all the rules and regulations thereof as contained
in its charter and by-laws.
Power to with-
4. Any member of the company shall have full power to
draw member-
ship from
withdraw therefrom at any time by surrendering his policy
to the company and paying such fees as may be reasonably
demanded and any arrearages of the annual cash cost and
Assessments, and the policy's proportion of losses incurred