of sale by written or printed handbills set up in two public
places in said town or printed in some newspaper published
in Carroll County.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That any person who shall pay
Discount for
his or her taxes levied as aforesaid within thirty days after the
prompt pay-
date of such levy shall be entitled to a discount of five per
centum thereon, which discount shall be allowed to the treas-
urer in the settlement of his account with the Mayor and Com-
mon Council.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That all taxes levied as afore-
said shall bear interest after four months from the date of such
levy, and the bailiff shall pay over any levy placed in his hands
for collection within six months after receipt of said list, and
upon his failure to do so his bond shall be put in suit.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the bailiff shall be ap-
pointed from among the inhabitants of said town qualified to
vote for the Mayor and Common Council ; provided, however,
that the said Mayor and Common Council may appoint the con-
stable of the election district in which said town is located, if
he be a resident of said town or will reside therein after his
appointment. Before entering upon the duties of his office he
shall make oath before a justice of the peace for Carroll County
that he will faithfully and impartially perform the duties im-
posed upon him by this Act of incorporation and the by-laws
and ordinances of said Mayor and Common Council, and shall
execute to the Mayor and Common Council a bond, with good
and sufficient surety or sureties to be approved by said Mayor
and Common Council, in such penalty as they shall prescribe,
conditioned that he will well and faithfully perform the duties
Bailiff to give
of said office in all things appertaining thereto, according to
law and the ordinances of said Mayor and Common Council,
and shall well and truly collect and pay over to the treasurer
of said corporation all taxes levied by them and placed in his
hands for collection, and all other sums of money that may be
received by him for the use of said corporation.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That the bailiff shall attend the
Shall preserve
the peace of
meetings of the Mayor and Common Council, and he shall per-
form such duties as they shall direct, shall preserve the peace
and good order of the town, and for this purpose is vested with
the same power and authority as any constable now has under
the laws of the State ; and it shall be his duty to inform on all
persons violating the ordinances of the town or the laws of the
State, and have process issued for their arrest, and to arrest