jurisdiction, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more
than one hundred dollars for each offense, and in default of
payment of the fine shall be committed to jail for a period of
not less than thirty days.
263H. It shall not be unlawful for any merchant or manu-
facturer to place his own tickets, coupons or other vouchers
Rights of mer-
in or upon packages of goods sold or manufactured by him,
such tickets, coupons or other vouchers to be redeemed by
such merchant or manufacturer, either in money or merchan-
dise, whether said packages are sold directly to the consumer
or through retail merchants ; nor shall it be unlawful for any
person to issue with such packages, tickets, coupons or other
vouchers so issued by said merchant or manufacturer.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 12, 1904.
AN ACT to incorporate the "Washington County Hospital
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That S. Martin Bloom, William Updegraff, Edward W.
Mealey, George B. Oswald, William P. Lane, James P. Harter,
William Newcomer, M. Emmet Cullen and B. Abner Betts,
of Washington County, and their successors as hereinafter
provided for, be and they are hereby created a body corporate
with perpetual succession under the name of "The Washington
The Washing-
County Hospital Association," and by that name may and
ton County
Hospital As-
shall have succession and shall be in law capable of suing
and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, defending and
being defended in all courts and places wheresoever, in all
manner of actions, suits, matters, complaints and causes, and
may have and use a common seal and change and alter the
same, and shall be capable of acquiring, purchasing and taking
by gift, grant, devise or bequest or otherwise, in trust or
in perpetuity, and of holding real and personal estate and
property for the uses and purposes of the said corporation,
and to sell, dispose of, invest and re-invest any and all prop-
erty so received by them as in their judgment may best serve
the interest and welfare of the said hospital.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the objects of the said cor-
poration are to establish and maintain in the City of Hagers-
To maintain a
town, in the County of Washington, in the State of Maryland,